SFU Fencing Club


Recreational Services & Athletics Office
Chancellors Gymnasium Complex
CGC 110
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, B.C.,CANADA,
V5A 1S6

Enquiry: (604) 291-4142

Instructor: Maître Bac (604) 732-4875

Training programmes: are offered in the Fall, Winter, and Summer Terms.

Meeting Time and Place:
Beginners' Programme
     Thursday: 7:00pm till 8:00pm - 1/2 West Gym

Intermediate Programme
     Thursday: 7:00pm till 9:00pm - 1/2 West Gym

Classes: The Beginners' Programme covers basic hand techniques, footwork, and offense and defense techniques of the classical French school. The Intermediate Programme covers line drills, supervised bouting and individual fencing lessons.

Participation: All participants have to register with the Recreational Services & Athletics Office. Registration can be made between 8:00am till 4:00pm on weekdays except on holidays.

Equipment: Participants who do not have their own uniform are required to wear a sports outfit and indoor court shoes. All necessary equipment -- mask, practice foil, and plastron or jacket--will be provided.

Parking: Parking Pass may be purchased for course attendance for a fee of $5.00. This fee is non-refundable except in the case of course cancellation. Please register early, as courses will be cancelled 48 hours before the starting date if there is insufficient registration.

Refund Policy: Refunds will only be considered under the following circumstances: Receipt of written medical note from Doctor. Programme staff determines programme is unsuitable for participant. Cancellation of course.

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